IntrinsicFX Three Dee

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IntrinsicFX Three Dee       Version: 3.0 (28.04.2017)      (PC / Windows)      2,147 downloads.      Modified: 2017-04-28

Isc 3DCamShake1 Version: 3.0 Build 0952 ID: ixa5 Parameters: 19 Inputs: System: PC Only

Tired of very mechanic motions of camera? or animated / rendered input video that looks too rigid? This plugin animates the frame, and makes sure there is no tile/spill even if rotated and/or transposed. It can be very effective in livening up, even already live input from static mounted cameras, and also still image sequences. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). - 3D processing left and right eye separate morph shifted in 3D space. - Assorted new parameters.

1. Shake Amount

Controls a frame-by-frame positioning in x and y in addition to the interval processing. [tip]If you want only interval processing (more realistic) turn this parameter down to 0.0[/tip].
2. Jump Amount

Controls the amount of sudden change when one interval has passed and before the next, for intervals see interval parameters below.
3. Time Step

The step rate for the interval processing, the speed the intervals are traversed.
4. Interval Min

First of two parameters controlling the interval length, a random value betweein IntervalMin (this parameter) and IntervalMax is chosen each time a new interval is to be processed. [tip]Set Max and Min to same value and u get a constant interval[/tip].
5. Interval Max

The Max Interval value, see IntervalMin. Set Max == Min to get a constant interval, else a random interval between max and min is chosen for each interval processing. Lower max than min makes the values switch som min is used as max, and vice versa. Low value gives faster shake effect.
6. Eye1 Rotation

For EYE1: Sets the max rotation change from the input to the output for left eye. Intervals makes the rotation random in amount, but this parameter controls the max allowed.
7. Eye2 Rotation

For EYE2: Sets the max rotation change from the input to the output for left eye. Intervals makes the rotation random in amount, but this parameter controls the max allowed.
8. Eye1 sideways

For EYE1: Sets the max side-to-side change from the input to the output. Intervals makes the sideways position random, but this parameter controls the max allowed. Please note: a large value here will scale the image up quite a bit to make sure anything outside the edges of the input is seen.
9. Eye2 sideways

For EYE2: Sets the max side-to-side change from the input to the output. Intervals makes the sideways position random, but this parameter controls the max allowed. Please note: a large value here will scale the image up quite a bit to make sure anything outside the edges of the input is seen.
10. Eye1 UpDown

For EYE1: Sets the max up and down change from the input to the output. Intervals makes the up / down position random, but this parameter controls the max allowed. Please note: a large value here will scale the image up quite a bit to make sure anything outside the edges of the input is seen.
11. Eye2 UpDown

For EYE2: Sets the max up and down change from the input to the output. Intervals makes the up / down position random, but this parameter controls the max allowed. Please note: a large value here will scale the image up quite a bit to make sure anything outside the edges of the input is seen.
12. Feedback Blur

Blends with previous frame based on how big change per pixel, adjustable from 0.0 (no motion blur) to 1.0 which is full effect of this method of interpolation of pixels, smoothing the output.
13. Process Alpha

If to include the alpha channel in the processing, or leave untouched (copy from input).
14. 3D Input Type

3D Intput types: 0.0 < 0.1 (SIDE_BY_SIDE) (L/R), 0.1 < 0.2 (TOP and BOTTOM), 0.2 < 0.3 (If one input exists, same input copied to left and right with separate processing. If TWO inputs are present and different, they"re used for separate eye input, more formats to come. For now split LR is default (0.0).
15. 3D Output Type

3D Output types: 0.0 < 0.1 (SIDE_BY_SIDE) (L/R), 0.1 < 0.2 (TOP and BOTTOM), 0.2 < 0.3 (RED and CYAN), 0.3 < 0.4 (SEPIA and BLUE), 0.4 < 0.5 (LIGHT YELLOW and LILAC), 0.5 < 0.6 (GREEN and PURPLE), 0.6 < 0.7 (CHROMADEPTH). Others to be added later. .
16. CtrX Left Eye

The center difference for the left eye.
17. CtrX Right Eye

The center difference for the right eye.
18. Switch Eyes In

Switch Eye1 and Eye2 input order.
19. Switch Eyes Out

Switch Eye1 and Eye2 output order.

Isc 3DFeedback1 Version: 3.0 Build 0940 ID: iXa6 Parameters: 21 Inputs: System: PC Only

Popular feedback effect that makes even stills come alive and pulsate. In this 3D version the parameters can control different center for left and right eye. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). - 3D processing left and right eye separate morph shifted in 3D space.

1. Blend

Amount to mix the new input with the previous thus creating the feedback effect - more or less streaming pixels.
2. Eye1 Scale X

Tiling scale up or down X (width - tiling or stretch) for the subsequent input added.
3. Eye1 Scale Y

Tiling scale up or down Y (height - tiling or stretch) for the subsequent input added.
4. Eye2 Scale X

Tiling scale up or down X (width - tiling or stretch) for the subsequent input added.
5. Eye2 Scale Y

Tiling scale up or down Y (height - tiling or stretch) for the subsequent input added.
6. Rotation

Rotation of the feedback.
7. Eye 1 Offset X

Eye1: Offset X of the feedback.
8. Eye 1 Offset Y

Eye1: Offset X of the feedback.
9. Eye 2 Offset X

Eye1: Offset X of the feedback.
10. Eye 2 Offset Y

Eye1: Offset X of the feedback.
11. Wobble

Wobble creates a random offset of a few pixels in x and y. Creates a pulsating feeling to the feedback.
12. Add Mul

Multiply input color (strength) for each add into the feedback (for Blend Mode >= 0.5).
13. Sub Mul

How much to subtract (fade-speed) for each frame of the feedback (for Blend Mode >= 0.5).
14. Blend Mode

Control the blend mode: < 0.5 = processing like before, > 0.5 = use the Add Mul and Sub Mul: multiplications of input and fadeout, see separate parameters for controlling strengths.
15. Process Alpha

If to include the alpha channel in the processing, or leave untouched (copy from input).
16. 3D Input Type

3D Input type. Default: 32bit native pixels. .
17. 3D Output Type

3D Output type. Default side-by-side 3D.
18. CtrX Left Eye

The center difference for the left eye.
19. CtrX Right Eye

The center difference for the right eye.
20. Switch Eyes In

Switch Eye1 and Eye2 input order.
21. Switch Eyes Out

Switch Eye1 and Eye2 output order.

Isc 3DFilmStrip1 Version: 3.0 Build 0979 ID: ixa7 Parameters: 24 Inputs: System: PC Only

The most feature packed filmstrip around, and its fast too! A lot can be controlled, animation and tiling within each frame of the strip, gives a strip effect even from still image input. In this 3D version, the processing of each frame of the filmstrip is done separately for each eye, it does however not add 3D, just processes 3D input => output. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). - 3D processing left and right eye separate morph shifted in 3D space.

1. Feed Blend

Feedback parameter - blending the previous with the new input.
2. Count X

Number of images horizontal (x axis). Splits the output into frames delayed and sized so there are from 2 to 16 frames horizontally. If this parameter is matched (equal) to the Count Y parameter - then the aspect ratio of the frames is correct.
3. Count Y

Number of images vertical (y axis). Splits the output into frames delayed and sized so there are from 2 to 16 frames vertically. If this parameter is matched (equal) to the Count X parameter - then the aspect ratio of the frames is correct.
4. Flip H

Flips each other image horizontically - making any input tile horizontally. value over 0.5 (half way) makes the flip active. If matched/equal to Flip V it gives a kind of kaleidoscope effect, but still delayed in time like a regular filmstrip effect.
5. Flip V

Flips each other image vertically - making any input tile vertically. value over 0.5 (half way) makes the flip active. If matched/equal to Flip H it gives a kind of kaleidoscope effect, but still delayed in time like a regular filmstrip effect.
6. Scale X

You can with this scale the input horizontally (x axis) so it even tiles within the frame or is stretched so you only see a part of it. This way you can get "animation" even with a still image as the input to the effect. The demo clip seen at the top of t.
7. Scale Y

You can with this scale the input vertically (y axis) so it even tiles within the frame or is stretched so you only see a part of it. This way you can get "animation" even with a still image as the input to the effect. At middle slider position no scaling.
8. Scale Z

You can with this scale the input in depth (z axis) which will be additional perspective adjustments of X and Y scale, as well as 3D shifts left and right according to CtrX Left and Right Eye and this parameter"s value.
9. Rotation

Rotates the new frame coming from the input. Giving animation to even still image input - and also gives the kaleidoscope effect when used together with Flip H and Flip V enabled. Rotation = +/- 180 degrees.
10. Offset X

Offset horizontally (x axis) of the input within the input frame. This parameter can also be used to animate a still image.
11. Offset Y

Offset vertically (y axis) of the input within the input frame. This parameter can also be used to animate a still image.
12. Wobble

The wobble works like the wobble in IscFeedback1: The input image is randomly offset a few pixels so it seems to pulsate.
13. 3D Input Type

3D Intput types: 0.0 < 0.1 (SIDE_BY_SIDE) (L/R), 0.1 < 0.2 (TOP and BOTTOM), 0.2 < 0.3 (If one input exists, same input copied to left and right with separate processing. If TWO inputs are present and different, they"re used for separate eye input, more formats to come. For now split LR is default (0.0).
14. 3D Output Type

3D Output types: 0.0 < 0.1 (SIDE_BY_SIDE) (L/R), 0.1 < 0.2 (TOP and BOTTOM), 0.2 < 0.3 (RED and CYAN), 0.3 < 0.4 (SEPIA and BLUE), 0.4 < 0.5 (LIGHT YELLOW and LILAC), 0.5 < 0.6 (GREEN and PURPLE), 0.6 < 0.7 (CHROMADEPTH). Others to be added later. .
15. CtrX Left Eye

The center difference for the left eye.
16. CtrX Right Eye

The center difference for the right eye.
17. Switch Eyes In

Switch Eye1 and Eye2 input order.
18. Switch Eyes Out

Switch Eye1 and Eye2 output order.
19. Cube Blend

/* Cube blend dry / wet of rendering a cube with inputs on the side, into the input frame.
20. Cube PFade

* Cube points have a destination set of points, as well as an input of points (the rotated ones) and the destination is what is drawn, hence one can when new points are calculated, choose to blend the coordinate points with the last frame"s points.
21. Cube Rot X

* Cube rotation, rendering a cube into the frame, the rotation around X axis for this cube.
22. Cube Rot Y

* Cube rotation, rendering a cube into the frame, the rotation around Y axis for this cube.
23. Cube Rot Z

* Cube rotation, rendering a cube into the frame, the rotation around Z axis for this cube.
24. Cube Scale

* Cube rotation, scale of the cube inside the frame (will be cropped if necessary).

Isc 3DFishy1 Version: 3.0 Build 0873 ID: iXaA Parameters: 19 Inputs: System: PC Only

Morphed pixels using 4 different lookup tables called TwisterMaps. The effect has several parameters to make even still images seem animated. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). - Shade can be adjusted in strength, or used as alpha (transparency). - 3D processing left and right eye separate morph shifted in 3D space.

1. Map Blend

How fast the morph goes between morph maps when changing maps. New in 1.20: you can now morph between maps with this parameter.
2. Twister Map

Selects the twister map to use. There are 4 types of morphs/twists of pixels.
3. Scale X

Tiling scale down horizontally (x axis) tiling the image. max = not scaled.
4. Scale Y

Tiling scale down vertically (y axis) tiling the image. max = not scaled.
5. Offset X

Offsets the image horizontally (x axis). Middle = no offset.
6. Offset Y

Offsets the image vertically (y axis). Middle = no offset.
7. CosX SinX

Animates the offset of the image using an angle that is constantly rotated. This parameter sets the stepvalue for the internal CosX1 angle value. It defaults to not active (0.0) [note]This could be changed in a later version (or perhaps a version 2.
8. SinY SinY

Animates the offset of the image using an angle that is constantly rotated. This parameter sets the stepvalue for the internal SinY1 angle value. It defaults to not active (0.0). [note]This could be changed in a later version (or perhaps a version.
9. Transpose X

Animates the offset horizontally (x axis) of an image according to a stepvalue set by this parameter. above middle animates it to the right, while below middle animates it to the left. Middle = no animation = default.
10. Transpose Y

Animates the offset vertically (y axis) of an image according to a stepvalue set by this parameter. above middle animates it downwards, while below middle animates it upwards. Middle = no animation = default.
11. Shade Amount

New in 3.0: Gradual shade/shadow to the morph maps (combine with Alpha Shade parameter for 32bit support).
12. Alpha Shade

New in 3.0: Gradual shade/shadow to the morph maps, used as alpha modifcation (combine with Alpha Shade parameter for 32bit support).
13. FX Amount

New in 3.0: Wet/Dry mix for whole effect.
14. 3D Input Type

3D Input type. Default: 32bit native pixels. .
15. 3D Output Type

3D Output type. Default side-by-side 3D.
16. CtrX Left Eye

The center difference for the left eye.
17. CtrX Right Eye

The center difference for the right eye.
18. Switch Eyes In

Switch Eye1 and Eye2 input order.
19. Switch Eyes Out

Switch Eye1 and Eye2 output order.

Isc 3DHypnotic1 Version: 3.0 Build 0929 ID: iXaB Parameters: 19 Inputs: System: PC Only

Popular hypnotic tunnel effect with many parameters. Morph between 4 lookup tables (slightly different effect), adjust the tiling and make it pulsate in and out. Beware it could trip you out even with still image input, New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). - Shade can be adjusted in strength, or used as alpha (transparency). - 3D processing left and right eye separate morph shifted in 3D space.

1. Map Blend

When changing the maps this sets how fast the new map will blend into the old, giving some morphing animation, great for pulsating.
2. Twister Map

There are 4 different "modes" (different lookup tables) for this effect. Here you can switch between them.
3. Scale X

Controls the scaling horizontally (X), from 1 to 32, of the input onto the tunnel effect.
4. Scale Y

Controls the scaling vertically (Y), from 1 to 32, of the input onto the tunnel effect.
5. Offset X

Offset horizontally - X. Adjustment gives zooming/travelling into the tunnel.
6. Offset Y

Offset vertically - Y. Adjustment gives rotating of the tunnel.
7. CosX SinX

Animates the offset of the image using an angle that is constantly rotated. This parameter sets the stepvalue for the internal CosX1 angle value. It defaults to not active (0.0) [note]This could be changed in a later version (or perhaps a version 2.
8. SinY SinY

Animates the offset of the image using an angle that is constantly rotated. This parameter sets the stepvalue for the internal SinY1 angle value. It defaults to not active (0.0). [note]This could be changed in a later version (or perhaps a version.
9. Transpose X

makes the tunnel zoom/travel constantly if other than center/middle.
10. Transpose Y

makes the tunnel rotate constantly if other than center/middle.
11. Shade Amount

New in 3.0: Gradual shade/shadow to the morph maps (combine with Alpha Shade parameter for 32bit support).
12. Alpha Shade

New in 3.0: Gradual shade/shadow to the morph maps, used as alpha modifcation (combine with Alpha Shade parameter for 32bit support).
13. FX Amount

New in 3.0: Wet/Dry mix for whole effect.
14. 3D Input Type

3D Input type. Default: 32bit native pixels. .
15. 3D Output Type

3D Output type. Default side-by-side 3D.
16. CtrX Left Eye

The center difference for the left eye.
17. CtrX Right Eye

The center difference for the right eye.
18. Switch Eyes In

Switch Eye1 and Eye2 input order.
19. Switch Eyes Out

Switch Eye1 and Eye2 output order.

Isc 3DLensBlobs1 Version: 3.0 Build 0921 ID: iy01 Parameters: 21 Inputs: System: PC Only

Similar techwise as IscBlobMass1, this one uses the blobs/dots as a lens on the input video, pretty psychedelic. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). - 3D processing left and right eye separate morph shifted in 3D space.

1. Draw Switch!

If < 20%, do not draw (reset/init).
2. Dot Scale

Scale of each blob / lense.
3. Lens Strength

Strength of the lens effect (the displacement).
4. Speed

Speed of the individual blobs / lenses.
5. Num Lenses

The number of particles (number of lenses) active on screen. [tip]Keep low to save CPU[/tip].
6. Angle X

Rotation around x-axis.
7. Angle Y

Rotation around y-axis.
8. Angle Z

Rotation around z-axis.
9. Origin X

Origin in x-axis, not affecting other movement.
10. Origin Y

Origin in y-axis, not affecting other movement.
11. Origin Z

Origin in z-axis, not affecting other movement.
12. Translate X

Relative (permanent) translation in x-axis of blobs.
13. Translate Y

Relative (permanent) translation in y-axis of blobs.
14. Translate Z

Relative (permanent) translation in z-axis of blobs.
15. Process Alpha

If to include the alpha channel in the processing, or leave untouched (copy from input).
16. 3D Input Type

3D Input type. Default: 32bit native pixels. .
17. 3D Output Type

3D Output type. Default side-by-side 3D.
18. CtrX Left Eye

The center difference for the left eye.
19. CtrX Right Eye

The center difference for the right eye.
20. Switch Eyes In

Switch Eye1 and Eye2 input order.
21. Switch Eyes Out

Switch Eye1 and Eye2 output order.

Isc 3DLumaZoom1 Version: 3.0 Build 0934 ID: ixa1 Parameters: 12 Inputs: System: PC Only

Converts two 2D video inputs to a vertically split 3D output, for 3D screens that support the side-by-side input to show 3D on them, like computer monitors / TVs /Projectors / ++. If both inputs are the same, then its 2D on a 3D display. This plugin in particular enables zoom based on brightness of each pixel for left and right eye output, the amount of zoom will be from center and towards one side for input one, and towards other side for input two, hence you get a 3D effect using pixel brightness New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). - 3D processing left and right eye separate morph shifted in 3D space.

1. Source Value

The brightness to use as source for luma zooming. Together with Source Range it forms a range of brightness from input that will be luma zoomed.
2. Source Range

The range +/- in brightness from the Source Value to define the range that gets luma zoomed.
3. Max Zoom

The max zoom amount. zoom amount varies based on source input brightness per pixel. For coolest results use PeteGaussianBlur before this effect. Also this differs from LumaZoom2 in that this effect uses quadratic distance as zooming, and the LumaZoom1 use.
4. Rotation

Lets you rotate the zoomed pixels and not the other pixels around center of screen. Default = no rotation.
5. Displacement

Displacement of the blobs.
6. Depth Zoom

Depth distance left and right eye, used with Max Zoom from center of eye 1 x and eye 2 x.
7. 3D Input Type

3D Intput types: 0.0 < 0.1 (SIDE_BY_SIDE) (L/R), 0.1 < 0.2 (TOP and BOTTOM), 0.2 < 0.3 (If one input exists, same input copied to left and right with separate processing. If TWO inputs are present and different, they"re used for separate eye input, more formats to come. For now split LR is default (0.0).
8. 3D Output Type

3D Output types: 0.0 < 0.1 (SIDE_BY_SIDE) (L/R), 0.1 < 0.2 (TOP and BOTTOM), 0.2 < 0.3 (RED and CYAN), 0.3 < 0.4 (SEPIA and BLUE), 0.4 < 0.5 (LIGHT YELLOW and LILAC), 0.5 < 0.6 (GREEN and PURPLE), 0.6 < 0.7 (CHROMADEPTH). Others to be added later. .
9. CtrX Left Eye

The center difference for the left eye.
10. CtrX Right Eye

The center difference for the right eye.
11. Switch Eyes In

Switch Eye1 and Eye2 input order.
12. Switch Eyes Out

Switch Eye1 and Eye2 output order.

Isc 3DSineWave1 Version: 3.0 Build 0982 ID: iXaD Parameters: 21 Inputs: System: PC Only

These effects sinewaves the input horizontally and vertically so it pulsates, using different algorithm for each of these fx. Also you can either control it fixed or animated automatically. Check parameters. Default is automatically animated. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). - Alpha processing. - 3D processing, adding same parameters separately controlling depth. - Feedback processing, adding parameters for separate feedbaack of color channels.

1. Sine Start

Base position for the sine calculation.
2. Sine Step

The stepping (number of waves) of the sinewave values.
3. Sine Strength X

How much to twist, the strength of the sinewave in X.
4. Sine Strength Y

How much to twist, the strength of the sinewave in Y.
5. Step Auto

If this is more or less than 0.5 the sinewave will be animated on a per frame basis (for 3D depth).
6. Source Z Mod

How much to twist, the strength of the sinewave in z from source (for 3D depth).
7. Dest Z Mod

How much to twist, the strength of the sinewave in z for destination (for 3D depth).
8. Diff Z Mod

How much to twist, the strength of the sinewave in z for the difference between source and destination (for 3D depth).
9. Xtra Z Mod

Parameter to control scaling of distance implication in x/y/z positioning into source to create destination frame (for 2D and 3D depth).
10. Feed Red

Feedback effect for RED color channel.
11. Feed Green

Feedback effect for GREEN color channel.
12. Feed Blue

Feedback effect for BLUE color channel.
13. Feed Alpha

Feedback effect for ALPHA color channel.
14. Alpha Mode

Decides what to do with alpha (transparency) channel, use incoming alpha, change incoming alpha, or use solid alpha.
15. FX Amount

Dry/Wet mix/blend of input vs output. Default = full effect.
16. 3D Input Type

3D Input type. Default: 32bit native pixels. .
17. 3D Output Type

3D Output type. Default side-by-side 3D.
18. CtrX Left Eye

The center difference for the left eye.
19. CtrX Right Eye

The center difference for the right eye.
20. Switch Eyes In

Switch Eye1 and Eye2 input order.
21. Switch Eyes Out

Switch Eye1 and Eye2 output order.

Isc 3DSineWave2 Version: 3.0 Build 0981 ID: iXaE Parameters: 21 Inputs: System: PC Only

These effects sinewaves the input horizontally and vertically so it pulsates, using different algorithm for each of these fx. Also you can either control it fixed or animated automatically. Check parameters. Default is automatically animated. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). - Alpha processing. - 3D processing, adding same parameters separately controlling depth. - Feedback processing, adding parameters for separate feedbaack of color channels.

1. Sine Start Y

Base position for the Y-axis (vertical) sine wave calculation.
2. Vert Step Y

The vertical stepping (number of waves) of the Y-axis (vertical) sine wave calculation.
3. Horiz Step Y

The horizontal stepping (number of waves) of the Y-axis (vertical) sine wave calculation.
4. Step Y Auto

If this is more or less than 0.5 the sinewave will be animated on a per frame basis.
5. Sine Strength Y

How much to twist, the strength of the Y-axis (vertical) sine wave calculation.
6. Source Z Mod

How much to twist, the strength of the sinewave in z from source (for 3D depth).
7. Dest Z Mod

How much to twist, the strength of the sinewave in z for destination (for 3D depth).
8. Diff Z Mod

How much to twist, the strength of the sinewave in z for the difference between source and destination (for 3D depth).
9. Xtra Z Mod

Parameter to control scaling of distance implication in x/y/z positioning into source to create destination frame (for 2D and 3D depth).
10. Feed Red

Feedback effect for RED color channel.
11. Feed Green

Feedback effect for GREEN color channel.
12. Feed Blue

Feedback effect for BLUE color channel.
13. Feed Alpha

Feedback effect for ALPHA color channel.
14. Alpha Mode

Decides what to do with alpha (transparency) channel, use incoming alpha, change incoming alpha, or use solid alpha.
15. FX Amount

Dry/Wet mix/blend of input vs output. Default = full effect.
16. 3D Input Type

3D Input type. Default: 32bit native pixels. .
17. 3D Output Type

3D Output type. Default side-by-side 3D.
18. CtrX Left Eye

The center difference for the left eye.
19. CtrX Right Eye

The center difference for the right eye.
20. Switch Eyes In

Switch Eye1 and Eye2 input order.
21. Switch Eyes Out

Switch Eye1 and Eye2 output order.

Isc 3DSineWave3 Version: 3.0 Build 0979 ID: iXaC Parameters: 21 Inputs: System: PC Only

These effects sinewaves the input horizontally and vertically so it pulsates, using different algorithm for each of these fx. Also you can either control it fixed or animated automatically. Check parameters. Default is automatically animated. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). - Alpha processing. - 3D processing, adding same parameters separately controlling depth. - Feedback processing, adding parameters for separate feedbaack of color channels.

1. Sine Start Y

Base position vertically for the Y sine calculation.
2. Vert Step Y

The vertical stepping (number of waves) of the sinewave in Y position.
3. Horiz Step Y

The horizontal stepping (number of waves) of the sinewave in Y position.
4. Step Y Auto

If this is more or less than 0.5 the sinewave will be animated on a per frame basis (for 3D depth).
5. Sine Strength Y

How much to twist, the strength of the sinewave in y.
6. Source Z Mod

How much to twist, the strength of the sinewave in z from source (for 3D depth).
7. Dest Z Mod

How much to twist, the strength of the sinewave in z for destination (for 3D depth).
8. Diff Z Mod

How much to twist, the strength of the sinewave in z for the difference between source and destination (for 3D depth).
9. Xtra Z Mod

Parameter to control scaling of distance implication in x/y/z positioning into source to create destination frame (for 2D and 3D depth).
10. Feed Red

Feedback effect for RED color channel.
11. Feed Green

Feedback effect for GREEN color channel.
12. Feed Blue

Feedback effect for BLUE color channel.
13. Feed Alpha

Feedback effect for ALPHA color channel.
14. Alpha Mode

Decides what to do with alpha (transparency) channel, use incoming alpha, change incoming alpha, or use solid alpha.
15. FX Amount

Dry/Wet mix/blend of input vs output. Default = full effect.
16. 3D Input Type

3D Input type. Default: 32bit native pixels. .
17. 3D Output Type

3D Output type. Default side-by-side 3D.
18. CtrX Left Eye

The center difference for the left eye.
19. CtrX Right Eye

The center difference for the right eye.
20. Switch Eyes In

Switch Eye1 and Eye2 input order.
21. Switch Eyes Out

Switch Eye1 and Eye2 output order.

Isc 3DTimeWarp1 Version: 3.0 Build 0995 ID: ixaa Parameters: 19 Inputs: System: PC Only

Time scratching of video input - but with a twist. It has the same parameter as the IscWTWarp1 but the new parameter added makes you able to index backward in time on a per pixel basis (according to luminance of the pixel). Quite trippy effect. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). - 3D processing left and right eye separate morph shifted in 3D space.

1. Time Warp Min

Adjust time minimum, (used with luma range time strength), to step back in the frame buffer.
2. Time Warp Max

Adjust time maximum, (used with luma range time strength), to step back in the frame buffer.
3. Luma Time Warp

How much to let luma control timewarp in addition to positioning in 3D.
4. Luma Min Change

Minimum change from weakest luma input of luma calculation, i.o.w. how much pixels are moved from eachother for left and right eye at minimum within range.
5. Luma Max Change

Maximum change from weakest luma input of luma calculation, i.o.w. how much pixels are moved from eachother for left and right eye at minimum within range.
6. Time Smooth

Smoothing of some values over time to generate a less jumpy output.
7. Buffer Smooth

Smoothing of buffer onto last output.
8. 3D Input Type

3D Intput types: 0.0 < 0.1 (SIDE_BY_SIDE) (L/R), 0.1 < 0.2 (TOP and BOTTOM), 0.2 < 0.3 (If one input exists, same input copied to left and right with separate processing. If TWO inputs are present and different, they"re used for separate eye input, more formats to come. For now fW LR is default (0.0).
9. 3D Output Type

3D Output type. Default: outputs side-by-side.
10. CtrX Left Eye

The center difference for the left eye.
11. CtrX Right Eye

The center difference for the right eye.
12. Switch Eyes In

Switch Eye1 and Eye2 input order.
13. Switch Eyes Out

Switch Eye1 and Eye2 output order.
14. Luma Middle

* Defining the middle-point of the range to be used for luma-related processing; making a different distance between left and right eye for pixels with the luma within the range from -0.5 to +0.5 of the range defined from this middle.
15. Luma Range

* Range of luma calculation: 1.0 = use all incoming pixels for luma => distance between left and right eye addition, 0.0 = use none, just center from right and left eye from other parameters .
16. Luma Min Change

* Minimum change from weakest luma input of luma calculation, i.o.w. how much pixels are moved from eachother for left and right eye at minimum within range.
17. Luma Max Change

* Maximum change from weakest luma input of luma calculation, i.o.w. how much pixels are moved from eachother for left and right eye at minimum within range.
18. 3D Input Type

/* 3D Intput types: 0.0 < 0.1 (SIDE_BY_SIDE) (L/R), 0.1 < 0.2 (TOP and BOTTOM), 0.2 < 0.3 (If one input exists, same input copied to left and right with separate processing. If TWO inputs are present and different, they"re used for separate eye input, more formats to come. For now fW LR is default (0.0).
19. 3D Output Type

* 3D Output types: 0.0 < 0.1 (SIDE_BY_SIDE) (L/R), 0.1 < 0.2 (TOP and BOTTOM), 0.2 < 0.3 (RED and CYAN), 0.3 < 0.4 (SEPIA and BLUE), 0.4 < 0.5 (LIGHT YELLOW and LILAC), 0.5 < 0.6 (GREEN and PURPLE), 0.6 < 0.7 (CHROMADEPTH). Others to be added later. .

Isc 3DTimeWarp2 Version: 3.0 Build 0985 ID: ixa9 Parameters: 23 Inputs: System: PC Only

Time scratching of video input - but with a twist. It has the same parameter as the IscWTWarp1 but the new parameter added makes you able to index backward in time on a per pixel basis (according to luminance of the pixel). Quite trippy effect. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). - 3D processing left and right eye separate morph shifted in 3D space.

1. Warp Min

Adjust time minimum, (used with luma range time strength), to step back in the frame buffer.
2. Warp Max

Adjust time maximum, (used with luma range time strength), to step back in the frame buffer.
3. Warp Mddle

Adjust middlepoint of input values that gives acccess to the time buffer.
4. Warp Range

Adjust range from middlepoint of input values that gives acccess to the time buffer.
5. Luma Time Warp

How much to let luma control timewarp in addition to positioning in 3D.
6. Luma Mddle

Adjust middlepoint of input values that gives luma based calculation.
7. Luma Range

Adjust range from middlepoint of input values that gives luma based calculation.
8. Luma Min Change

Minimum change from weakest luma input of luma calculation, i.o.w. how much pixels are moved from eachother for left and right eye at minimum within range.
9. Luma Max Change

Maximum change from strongest luma input of luma calculation, i.o.w. how much pixels are moved from eachother for left and right eye at minimum within range.
10. Time Smooth

Smoothing of some values over time to generate a less jumpy output.
11. Buffer Smooth

Smoothing of buffer onto last output.
12. 3D Input Type

3D Intput types: 0.0 < 0.1 (SIDE_BY_SIDE) (L/R), 0.1 < 0.2 (TOP and BOTTOM), 0.2 < 0.3 (If one input exists, same input copied to left and right with separate processing. If TWO inputs are present and different, they"re used for separate eye input, more formats to come. For now fW LR is default (0.0).
13. 3D Output Type

3D Output types: 0.0 < 0.1 (SIDE_BY_SIDE) (L/R), 0.1 < 0.2 (TOP and BOTTOM), 0.2 < 0.3 (RED and CYAN), 0.3 < 0.4 (SEPIA and BLUE), 0.4 < 0.5 (LIGHT YELLOW and LILAC), 0.5 < 0.6 (GREEN and PURPLE), 0.6 < 0.7 (CHROMADEPTH). Others to be added later. .
14. CtrX Left Eye

The center difference for the left eye.
15. CtrX Right Eye

The center difference for the right eye.
16. Switch Eyes In

Switch Eye1 and Eye2 input order.
17. Switch Eyes Out

Switch Eye1 and Eye2 output order.
18. Luma Middle

* Defining the middle-point of the range to be used for luma-related processing; making a different distance between left and right eye for pixels with the luma within the range from -0.5 to +0.5 of the range defined from this middle.
19. Luma Range

* Range of luma calculation: 1.0 = use all incoming pixels for luma => distance between left and right eye addition, 0.0 = use none, just center from right and left eye from other parameters .
20. Luma Min Change

* Minimum change from weakest luma input of luma calculation, i.o.w. how much pixels are moved from eachother for left and right eye at minimum within range.
21. Luma Max Change

* Maximum change from weakest luma input of luma calculation, i.o.w. how much pixels are moved from eachother for left and right eye at minimum within range.
22. 3D Input Type

/* 3D Intput types: 0.0 < 0.1 (SIDE_BY_SIDE) (L/R), 0.1 < 0.2 (TOP and BOTTOM), 0.2 < 0.3 (If one input exists, same input copied to left and right with separate processing. If TWO inputs are present and different, they"re used for separate eye input, more formats to come. For now fW LR is default (0.0).
23. 3D Output Type

* 3D Output types: 0.0 < 0.1 (SIDE_BY_SIDE) (L/R), 0.1 < 0.2 (TOP and BOTTOM), 0.2 < 0.3 (RED and CYAN), 0.3 < 0.4 (SEPIA and BLUE), 0.4 < 0.5 (LIGHT YELLOW and LILAC), 0.5 < 0.6 (GREEN and PURPLE), 0.6 < 0.7 (CHROMADEPTH). Others to be added later. .