IntrinsicFX Assorted Plugins

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IntrinsicFX Assorted Plugins       Version: 3.0 (28.04.2017)      (PC / Windows)      1,119 downloads.      Modified: 2017-04-28
Isc MISetMatte1 Version: 3.0 Build 0996 ID: ix17 Parameters: 10 Inputs: System: PC Only

An effect that uses red green or blue color chans from input 2 as mask (producing alpha) onto input 1 (can switch input 1 and input 2). Works in applications that uses the alpha in freeframes. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). -

1. Alpha Amount

How strong the output alpha should be, the mask strength.
2. Red Amount

Amount of the red color component from input 2 that should be used in calculating mask strength.
3. Green Amount

Amount of the green color component from input 2 that should be used in calculating mask strength.
4. Blue Amount

Amount of the blue color component from input 2 that should be used in calculating mask strength.
5. Invert All

Inverts input 2 pixel color data for calculation.
6. Invert Alpha

Inverts alpha calculated.
7. Invert Red

Inverts red color component for alpha calculation. Can be used independent of "Invert Alpha".
8. Invert Green

Inverts green color component for alpha calculation. Can be used independent of "Invert Alpha".
9. Invert Blue

Inverts blue color component for alpha calculation. Can be used independent of "Invert Alpha".
10. Switch Inputs

Switch inputs 1 <-> 2.

Isc MLAA1 Version: 1.0 Build 0891 ID: ix4q Parameters: 5 Inputs: System: PC Only

1. Strength

Antialiasing strength, basic mixing of original with result from the MLAA before output.
2. Use Half

MLAA tech parameter:.
3. Thin Lines

Do MLAA so thin lines are smoothed more.
4. Visualize

Show affected areas (green + red) for the result of the MLAA calculation.
5. Use Alpha

If to include alpha in the calculation, works better without, since this MLAA tech internally doesn"t use alpha, it messes with the buffer, as it uses alpha chan for some calculation, might produce some interesting effect if alpha is particular values, > x = smooth, f.ex.

Isc SetMatte1 Version: 3.0 Build 0861 ID: ix2b Parameters: 9 Inputs: System: PC Only

An effect that uses red green or blue color chans from input as mask (producing alpha) onto input. Works in applications that uses the alpha in freeframes. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). -

1. Alpha Amount

How strong the output alpha should be, the mask strength.
2. Red Amount

Amount of the red color component from input 2 that should be used in calculating mask strength.
3. Green Amount

Amount of the green color component from input 2 that should be used in calculating mask strength.
4. Blue Amount

Amount of the blue color component from input 2 that should be used in calculating mask strength.
5. Invert All

Inverts input 2 pixel color data for calculation.
6. Invert Alpha

Inverts alpha calculated.
7. Invert Red

Inverts red color component for alpha calculation. Can be used independent of "Invert Alpha".
8. Invert Green

Inverts green color component for alpha calculation. Can be used independent of "Invert Alpha".
9. Invert Blue

Inverts blue color component for alpha calculation. Can be used independent of "Invert Alpha".