IntrinsicFX Sparks & Flames

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If you like them, donations are welcome as I might make more plugins.
IntrinsicFX Sparks & Flames       Version: 3.0 (28.04.2017)      (PC / Windows)      1,252 downloads.      Modified: 2017-04-28
Isc Inferno1 Version: 3.0 Build 0891 ID: iz23 Parameters: 14 Inputs: System: PC Only

Maybe the best freeframe (CPU) fire effect plugins out there. Let it burn! I put a lot of work behind these ones, many weeks of research & dev. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). -

1. Brightness

Controls the brightness of the fire effect.
2. Col Value

Controls what brightness from the input pixels that will be used for generating the fire.
3. Range

Used together with Col Value, defines the range of input pixels (by brightness) to generate fire effect from.
4. Blend

Negative / Positive input - sets the strength of the input for fire effect, < 0.5 = negative image, > 0.5 positive image.
5. Burn Speed

Defines how long up the flames go from the source input spots. Default = not so long.. more fire with higher values.
6. FlowMap Blend

Blend amount for blending each frame of fire, new frame blended onto last frame.
7. CoolMap Base

Defines how much to add to the coolingmap by default. the more added the more fire (less fading away).
8. Fire Blend

The blend of the fire on top of the input pixels. This lets you combine input image with the fire effect, so you get fire and darkness - to fire and image. Default = full effect, nothing left of input image.
9. Flip Fire

Burn upwards (default) or downwards on screen.
10. CoolMap Speed

The speed to animate the cooling map. (that determines the variedness of the cooling/fading of the flames).
11. CoolMap Mul

Amount to multiply the cooling map. Makes flames fade faster if high value.
12. CoolMap Add

Animate the coolmap values by adding to the values.
13. Process Alpha

When > 0.5 (on) enables processing with also using alpha channel data.
14. Burn Iterations

* Defines how long up the flames go from the source input spots. Default = not so long.. more fire with higher values.

Isc Inferno2 Version: 3.0 Build 0888 ID: iz24 Parameters: 14 Inputs: System: PC Only

Maybe the best freeframe (CPU) fire effect plugins out there. Let it burn! I put a lot of work behind these ones, many weeks of research & dev. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). -

1. Brightness

Controls the brightness of the fire effect.
2. Col Value

Controls what brightness from the input pixels that will be used for generating the fire.
3. Range

Used together with Col Value, defines the range of input pixels (by brightness) to generate fire effect from.
4. Blend

Negative / Positive input - sets the strength of the input for fire effect, < 0.5 = negative image, > 0.5 positive image.
5. Burn Speed

Defines how long up the flames go from the source input spots. Default = not so long.. more fire with higher values.
6. FlowMap Blend

Blend amount for blending each frame of fire, new frame blended onto last frame.
7. CoolMap Base

Defines how much to add to the coolingmap by default. the more added the more fire (less fading away).
8. Fire Blend

The blend of the fire on top of the input pixels. This lets you combine input image with the fire effect, so you get fire and darkness - to fire and image. Default = full effect, nothing left of input image.
9. Flip Fire

Burn upwards (default) or downwards on screen.
10. CoolMap Speed

The speed to animate the cooling map. (that determines the variedness of the cooling/fading of the flames).
11. CoolMap Mul

Amount to multiply the cooling map. Makes flames fade faster if high value.
12. CoolMap Add

Animate the coolmap values by adding to the values.
13. Process Alpha

When > 0.5 (on) enables processing with also using alpha channel data.
14. Burn Iterations

* Defines how long up the flames go from the source input spots. Default = not so long.. more fire with higher values.

Isc Particles1 Version: 3.0 Build 0914 ID: iz27 Parameters: 10 Inputs: System: PC Only

Makes upto 64k particles out of input video. Definable range for what brightness to use as generating new particles. Only sets direction/route for particle linear from origin pixel. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). - Alpha (transparency) processing modes.

1. Birth Value

The brightness value that together with Birth Range defines the range of brightness that will seed (give birth to) particles.
2. Birth Range

The angle index into cos/sin table for direction of particles (angle calculated based on neighbor pixels.
3. Birth Rate

The max rate of new births of particles, max a 10th of total new for each frame (current total particles active is 655360). Default is 65536 max new births each frame.
4. Fade Strength

The step value for fading - low values gives particles longer lives, high makes them live short.
5. Trail Strength

With this parameter you can adjust how visible the trail from the particles will be.
6. Particle Speed

Determines the speed of the particles, the step multiplier for x and y movement. This effect differs from the other IscParticles effects in that it calculates movement of the particle based on each and every pixel it passes. whilst in IscParticles1 partic.
7. Max Particles

Decrease this for better performance on slower machines (less particles).
8. Color Keep

A mixing with the input, so you can see the input in the background of the particles, or not. (you can fade this).
9. Alpha Mode

If to 1. use incoming alpha, do not add particles outside alpha. 2. process alpha (adding for particles), 3. patch in opaque for whole frame (void alpha).
10. FX Amount

Dry/Wet mix for the effect. Mix the input with the output gradually. Default is min, which gives only output.

Isc Particles2 Version: 3.0 Build 0912 ID: iz29 Parameters: 11 Inputs: System: PC Only

Makes upto 64k particles out of input video. Definable range for what brightness to use as generating new particles. Slower than Particles1, with trails etc. Also uses actual pixels passed to modify direction/route of particles. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). - Alpha (transparency) processing modes.

1. Birth Value

The brightness value that together with Birth Range defines the range of brightness that will seed (give birth to) particles.
2. Birth Range

The angle index into cos/sin table for direction of particles (angle calculated based on neighbor pixels.
3. Birth Rate

The max rate of new births of particles, max a 10th of total new for each frame (current total particles active is 655360). Default is 65536 max new births each frame.
4. Fade Strength

The step value for fading - low values gives particles longer lives, high makes them live short.
5. Trail Strength

With this parameter you can adjust how visible the trail from the particles will be.
6. Particle Speed

Determines the speed of the particles, the step multiplier for x and y movement. This effect differs from the other IscParticles effects in that it calculates movement of the particle based on each and every pixel it passes. whilst in IscParticles1 partic.
7. Max Particles

Decrease this for better performance on slower machines (less particles).
8. Color Keep

A mixing with the input, so you can see the input in the background of the particles, or not. (you can fade this).
9. Alpha Mode

If to 1. use incoming alpha, do not add particles outside alpha. 2. process alpha (adding for particles), 3. patch in opaque for whole frame (void alpha).
10. FX Amount

Dry/Wet mix for the effect. Mix the input with the output gradually. Default is min, which gives only output.
11. Wind Angle

* The birth range, together with Birth Value it forms the range of brightness that will give birth (seed) new particles.

Isc Particles3 Version: 3.0 Build 0904 ID: iz2e Parameters: 10 Inputs: System: PC Only

Makes upto 64k particles out of input video. Definable range for what brightness to use as generating new particles. Slower than Particles1, with trails etc. Also uses actual pixels passed to modify direction/route of particles. Same as Particles2 but with bigger particles. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). - Alpha (transparency) processing modes.

1. Birth Value

The brightness value that together with Birth Range defines the range of brightness that will seed (give birth to) particles.
2. Birth Range

The angle index into cos/sin table for direction of particles (angle calculated based on neighbor pixels.
3. Birth Rate

The max rate of new births of particles, max a 10th of total new for each frame (current total particles active is 655360). Default is 65536 max new births each frame.
4. Fade Strength

The step value for fading - low values gives particles longer lives, high makes them live short.
5. Trail Strength

With this parameter you can adjust how visible the trail from the particles will be.
6. Particle Speed

Determines the speed of the particles, the step multiplier for x and y movement. This effect differs from the other IscParticles effects in that it calculates movement of the particle based on each and every pixel it passes. whilst in IscParticles1 partic.
7. Max Particles

Decrease this for better performance on slower machines (less particles).
8. Color Keep

A mixing with the input, so you can see the input in the background of the particles, or not. (you can fade this).
9. Alpha Mode

If to 1. use incoming alpha, do not add particles outside alpha. 2. process alpha (adding for particles), 3. patch in opaque for whole frame (void alpha).
10. FX Amount

Dry/Wet mix for the effect. Mix the input with the output gradually. Default is min, which gives only output.

Isc Stains1 Version: 3.0 Build 0908 ID: ix4c Parameters: 9 Inputs: System: PC Only

Creates colored stains based on input video colors at the place/time of stains" positions. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). -

1. Drawing

if zero, triggers Voronoi restart. If above, drawing in progress.
2. Dot Scale

The size of the stains.
3. Colorize Speed

How fast the color of the stains change, if 0.0 it stays constant (freezes the color). if 1.0 it will change for each frame processed (gotten from the video). If inbetween it will be like the dots are fading.
4. Num Particles

The number of dots/stains on screen.
5. Rot Angle X

Step for rotation around X axis of 3D coordinates (position of each dot/stain).
6. Rot Angle Y

Step for rotation around Y axis of 3D coordinates (position of each dot/stain).
7. Rot Angle Z

Step for rotation around Z axis of 3D coordinates (position of each dot/stain).
8. Step Max

The speed of the movement of the particles/dots/stains.
9. Magnet Force

controls the traversal of the particles/dots/stains. Higher value = more random directions.