IntrinsicFX Blobs & Tentacles

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IntrinsicFX Blobs & Tentacles       Version: 3.0 (28.04.2017)      (PC / Windows)      1,112 downloads.      Modified: 2017-04-28
Isc BlobMass1 Version: 3.0 Build 0894 ID: ix47 Parameters: 14 Inputs: System: PC Only

Controls a mass of blobs, dot size controllable, can be rotated in 3D, speed controlled, ++. Live warning: can be processor hungry for large & many dots. B&W. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). -

1. Dot Scale

The scale of each blob.
2. Speed

The speed of the blob animation (not rotation).
3. Num Particles

Number of blobs.
4. NoiseLevel

Adds static noise around the blobs.
5. Angle Anim

Animation speed for rotation.
6. Angle X

Rotation around x-axis.
7. Angle Y

Rotation around y-axis.
8. Angle Z

Rotation around z-axis.
9. Origin X

Origin in x-axis, not affecting other movement.
10. Origin Y

Origin in y-axis, not affecting other movement.
11. Origin Z

Origin in z-axis, not affecting other movement.
12. Trans X

Relative (permanent) translation in x-axis of blobs.
13. Trans Y

Relative (permanent) translation in y-axis of blobs.
14. Trans Z

Relative (permanent) translation in z-axis of blobs.

Isc FlowPaint1 Version: 3.0 Build 0936 ID: ix4f Parameters: 14 Inputs: System: PC Only

Soure plugin: Blob-tech that produces a random painterly flow, mixing semi-controllable blobs as they interfere with eachother. Control size, speed, ++. HD version (some increased resolution, but slower). New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). - Alpha processing (transparency). - Feedback parameter, sort of motionblur. - Option to cotrol input frame data blend-in for a very different effect.

1. Dot Scale

Scale of the animated blobs that makes the painting.
2. Num Particles

Number of blobs in animation.
3. Speed

Controls the speed of the blobs, not the rotation but individual animation speed.
4. Source Zoom

Controls zooming x+y of blobs for special displacement processing.
5. Source Val

Controls the "center" value for colors of blobs for special displacement processing.
6. Source Range

Controls the range from the center value for colors of blobs for special displacement processing.
7. Displacement

Controls the mix amount for the special displacement processing.
8. Source Rotation

Controls rotation of the special displacement processing.
9. Angle X

Rotation of blobs around x-axis.
10. Angle Y

Rotation of blobs around y-axis.
11. Angle Z

Rotation of blobs around z-axis.
12. Alpha Mode

Decides what to do with alpha (transparency) channel, if to make solid, use in calculation, or use incoming.
13. Feedback

feedback from previous frame, sort of a motionblur.
14. Blend Input

Make use of the input frame data, since this is an effect plugin (but designed as a source, the default is disregarding the input.

Isc MetaBlobs1 Version: 3.0 Build 0876 ID: ix48 Parameters: 16 Inputs: System: PC Only

Controls a mass of blobs similar to BlobMass, dot size controllable, can be rotated in 3D, speed controlled, ++. This one is colored and has several modes selectable. Live warning: can be processor hungry for large & many dots. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). -

1. Draw Switch!

If < 20%, do not draw (reset/init).
2. Dot Scale

Scale of each blob.
3. Speed

Speed of the individual blobs.
4. Mode

There are 4 different modes, black/white, yellow (based on fire-color palette), and different rendering of the blobs.
5. Angle X

Rotation around x-axis.
6. Angle Y

Rotation around y-axis.
7. Angle Z

Rotation around z-axis.
8. Num Particles

Number of blobs.
9. Origin X

Origin in x-axis, not affecting other movement.
10. Origin Y

Origin in y-axis, not affecting other movement.
11. Origin Z

Origin in z-axis, not affecting other movement.
12. Translate X

Relative (permanent) translation in x-axis of blobs.
13. Translate Y

Relative (permanent) translation in y-axis of blobs.
14. Translate Z

Relative (permanent) translation in z-axis of blobs.
15. Alpha Switch

Turn off/on alpha output (some parts will become transparent around the blobs).
16. NoiseLevel

Adds static noise around the blobs.

Isc WhiteDots1 Version: 3.0 Build 0906 ID: ix46 Parameters: 7 Inputs: System: PC Only

Control bright light dots with size and rotation.

1. Draw Switch!

Controls drawing dots on/off, below 0.2 (20%) is off (restart), above is drawing state.
2. Dot Scale

Controls the size of the dots, [tipLFO].
3. Angle X

Rotation around the X axis. The dots are actually drawn at 3D coordinates. [tipLFO].
4. Angle Y

Rotation around the Y axis. The dots are actually drawn at 3D coordinates. [tipLFO].
5. Angle Z

Rotation around the Z axis. The dots are actually drawn at 3D coordinates. [tipLFO].
6. Brightness

Controls brightness of the dots.
7. Num Particles

The number of dots/particles on screen, max 16.