IntrinsicFX Mix With Keys

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IntrinsicFX Mix With Keys       Version: 3.0 (28.04.2017)      (PC / Windows)      1,102 downloads.      Modified: 2017-04-28
Isc KeyBumpMap1 Version: 3.0 Build 0852 ID: ix03 Parameters: 3 Inputs: System: PC Only

Using a bumpmapping formulae (calculating normals for each 3 neighbour pixels in 3D (x,y, brightness = z) and uses this to determine transparency. Note: I used blur on input 1 before the effect in the preview. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). -

1. Dist Min

The minimum of the bump/displacement effect when the bump-producing input is of brightness zero.
2. Dist Max

The maximum of the bump/displacement effect when the bump-producing input is of brightness max.
3. Switch Inputs

Use input 1 as input 2, and input 2 as input 1, switch inputs!.

Isc KeyChroma1 Version: 3.0 Build 0843 ID: ix36 Parameters: 5 Inputs: System: PC Only

Finally a FAST ChromaKey! I know many folks have been waiting for this one! This version lets you choose RED, GREEN or BLUE as the key color. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). -

1. Ramp Start

Start value for transition from transparent to opaque, all colors beneath this detected value will be 100% transparent.
2. Ramp Stop

Ramp for the chroma-calculation in area of transition between opaque and transparent.
3. Ramp Sine

Use linear interpolation or a smoother sine interpolation in the transition area where transparency is partial.
4. Color Mode

Switch between the traditional GreenScreen and using red or blue as transparent instead.
5. Switch Inputs

Switch input 1 and input 2 to produce oppposite transparency values for reverse keying/masking.

Isc KeyChroma2 Version: 3.0 Build 0874 ID: ix37 Parameters: 7 Inputs: System: PC Only

Another version, this one allowing you to specify a RGB value to use as key, any color can be used as key! New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). -

1. Key Red

Arbitrary color key: red component.
2. Key Green

Arbitrary color key: green component.
3. Key Blue

Arbitrary color key: blue component.
4. Ramp Start

Start value for transition from transparent to opaque, all colors beneath this detected value will be 100% transparent.
5. Ramp Stop

Ramp for the chroma-calculation in area of transition between opaque and transparent.
6. Ramp Sine

Use linear interpolation or a smoother sine interpolation in the transition area where transparency is partial.
7. Switch Inputs

Switch input 1 and input 2 to produce oppposite transparency values for reverse keying/masking.

Isc KeyChroma3 Version: 3.0 Build 0858 ID: ix38 Parameters: 4 Inputs: System: PC Only

This one is a ChromaKey attempting to automatically find the right KEY color, it is not perfect, but does a good job with the right clips! New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). -

1. Ramp Start

Start value for transition from transparent to opaque, all colors beneath this detected value will be 100% transparent.
2. Ramp Stop

Ramp for the chroma-calculation in area of transition between opaque and transparent.
3. Ramp Sine

Use linear interpolation or a smoother sine interpolation in the transition area where transparency is partial.
4. Switch Inputs

Switch input 1 and input 2 to produce oppposite transparency values for reverse keying/masking.

Isc KeyDifferenc1 Version: 3.0 Build 0848 ID: ix10 Parameters: 4 Inputs: System: PC Only

Takes Difference ink between inputs and uses the difference value for transparency instead of displaying the difference value. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). -

1. Blend

How much (mixing) the mask impacts the input drawn onto the other input.
2. Inverse

Invert the color values of input 2, experimental.
3. Switch Inputs

Use input 1 as input 2, and input 2 as input 1, switch inputs!.
4. Stamp 3<>1 3<>2

If to get blend value (per pixel) from abs(input 1 - input 3) or abs(input 2 - input 3).

Isc KeyFoldsRGB1 Version: 3.0 Build 0854 ID: ix0v Parameters: 4 Inputs: System: PC Only

Producing some interesting results if used with pre-blurred inputs, a color cycle based on brightness. Note: I used blur on input 2 before the effect in the preview. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). -

1. Nr Folds

Number of times to loop (cycle through) the internal lookup colorbuffer in the recalculation of colors for output.
2. Switch Inputs

Use input 1 as input 2, and input 2 as input 1, switch inputs!.
3. Multiply Blend

Multiplication of input 3 before calculation.
4. Multiply IN 1

Multiplication of input 1 before calculation.

Isc KeyFoldsRGB2 Version: 3.0 Build 0854 ID: ix0w Parameters: 6 Inputs: System: PC Only

Slightly same as the other one but different algorithm, different result. Note: I used blur on input 2 before the effect in the preview. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). -

1. Nr Red Folds

Number of loops of color values, for red color component.
2. Nr Green Folds

Number of loops of color values, for green color component.
3. Nr Blue Folds

Number of loops of color values, for blue color component.
4. Switch Inputs

Use input 1 as input 2, and input 2 as input 1, switch inputs!.
5. Multiply Blend

Multiplication of input 3 before calculation.
6. Multiply IN 1

Multiplication of input 1 before calculation.

Isc KeyInvColBur1 Version: 3.0 Build 0846 ID: ix14 Parameters: 4 Inputs: System: PC Only

Using the result of inverse color burn input1 and input2 as transparency rather than displaying the inverse color burn. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). -

1. Blend

The amount of input 2 to key onto input 1, blend/fade to only input 1.
2. Inverse

Invert the color values of input 2, experimental.
3. Switch Inputs

Use input 1 as input 2, and input 2 as input 1, switch inputs!.
4. XOR 3<>1 3<>2

Use input 1 or input 2 with input 3 for calculation.

Isc KeyLuma1 Version: 3.0 Build 0849 ID: ix0t Parameters: 5 Inputs: System: PC Only

Uses luminousity/brightness (averaged red, green and blue) as transparency. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). -

1. Smooth Min

Minimum smoothing (in transparency transition) for the keying.
2. Smooth Max

Maximum smoothing (in transparency transition) for the keying.
3. Brightness

Range, distance in color space from color value of input 3 to process, smoothing occurs when within this range, and based on the distance per pixel.
4. Switch Inputs

Use input 1 as input 2, and input 2 as input 1, switch inputs!.
5. Inverse

Invert the color values of input 2, experimental.

Isc KeyLumaRGB1 Version: 3.0 Build 0846 ID: ix0u Parameters: 7 Inputs: System: PC Only

Slightly similar to a chroma key, well a variation of it, processes transparency based on brightness separately for red, green and blue. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). -

1. Smooth Min

Minimum smoothing (in transparency transition) for the keying.
2. Smooth Max

Maximum smoothing (in transparency transition) for the keying.
3. Red Val

Range, distance in color space red component, from color value of input 3 to process, smoothing occurs when within range, and based on the red value distance per pixel.
4. Green Val

Range, distance in color space green component, from color value of input 3 to process, smoothing occurs when within range, and based on the green value distance per pixel.
5. Blue Val

Range, distance in color space blue component, from color value of input 3 to process, smoothing occurs when within range, and based on the blue value distance per pixel.
6. Switch Inputs

Use input 1 as input 2, and input 2 as input 1, switch inputs!.
7. Inverse

Invert the color values of input 2, experimental.

Isc KeyStamp1 Version: 3.0 Build 0849 ID: ix0z Parameters: 4 Inputs: System: PC Only

Using the value from stamp ink between input1 and input2, as transparency instead of showing the stamp ink value. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). -

1. Blend

Blend for the keying, if zero, only render input 1.
2. Inverse

Invert the color values of input 2, experimental.
3. Switch Inputs

Use input 1 as input 2, and input 2 as input 1, switch inputs!.
4. Stamp 3<>1 3<>2

If to get blend value (per pixel) from abs(input 1 - input 3) or abs(input 2 - input 3).

Isc KeyXOR1 Version: 3.0 Build 0845 ID: ix0y Parameters: 4 Inputs: System: PC Only

Using the value from XOR ink between input1 and input2, as transparency instead of showing the XOR ink value. New in 3.0: - 4K and 8K support for higher quality rendering (requires 32GB or more system RAM). -

1. Blend

Blend for the keying, if zero, only render input 1.
2. Inverse

Invert the color values of input 2, experimental.
3. Switch 1 2

Use input 1 as input 2, and input 2 as input 1, switch inputs!.
4. XOR 3<>1 3<>2

Missing description.