IntrinsicFX Cross Fade Wipe

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IntrinsicFX Cross Fade Wipe       Version: 3.0 (28.04.2017)      (PC / Windows)      1,002 downloads.      Modified: 2017-04-28
Isc XFBackTime1 Version: 3.0 Build 0956 ID: ix2x Parameters: 1 Inputs: System: PC Only

Cross fade while going back and forth in time and crossfade colors/transparency.

1. Grab Time

This is the delta that is added for each frame, 0.0 (only last grabbed image will be used infinitely forward in time), 1.0 (it grabs every new frame there is). It defaults to grabbing every 4th frame into the back-in-time buffer.
Isc XFBarsH1 Version: 3.0 Build 0940 ID: ix2j Parameters: 4 Inputs: System: PC Only

Splits the image into rotating 3D bars Horizontally.

1. Ping Pong

This is a switch that when above 0.5 (50%) gives a ping-pong between A-B-A so transition will allways go towards B, and reverse to A. If off (less than 0.5 (50%) - default) you get the transition continuous first from A-B then from B-A, linear.
2. Reverse

Reverses the transition. In this effect it lets the bars rotate the other direction.
3. Nr Of Bars

Defines how many bars the frame will be split into.
4. Perspective

Sets the perspective of the bars" 3D look. Defaults to something that looks kindof right, this parameter lets you decrease and increase it.
Isc XFBarsV1 Version: 3.0 Build 0944 ID: ix2k Parameters: 4 Inputs: System: PC Only

Splits the image into rotating 3D bars Vertically.

1. Ping Pong

This is a switch that when above 0.5 (50%) gives a ping-pong between A-B-A so transition will allways go towards B, and reverse to A. If off (less than 0.5 (50%) - default) you get the transition continuous first from A-B then from B-A, linear.
2. Reverse

Reverses the transition. In this effect it lets the bars rotate the other direction.
3. Nr Of Bars

Defines how many bars the frame will be split into.
4. Perspective

Sets the perspective of the bars" 3D look. Defaults to something that looks kindof right, this parameter lets you decrease and increase it.
Isc XFBlack1 Version: 3.0 Build 0895 ID: ix2z Parameters: 0 Inputs: System: PC Only

Crossfade out to black and then in next input.

Isc XFCircle1 Version: 3.0 Build 0949 ID: ix32 Parameters: 2 Inputs: System: PC Only

Cross fade with a circle wipe.

1. Ping Pong

This is a switch that when above 0.5 (50%) gives a ping-pong between A-B-A so transition will allways go towards B, and reverse to A. If off (less than 0.5 (50%) - default) you get the transition continuous first from A-B then from B-A, linear.
2. Reverse

Reverses the transition. In this effect it chooses whether the circle wipe should make a circle shrink to middle or grow from middle and out.
Isc XFCross1 Version: 3.0 Build 0919 ID: ix30 Parameters: 3 Inputs: System: PC Only

Crossfade with a cross wipe.

1. Ping Pong

This is a switch that when above 0.5 (50%) gives a ping-pong between A-B-A so transition will allways go towards B, and reverse to A. If off (less than 0.5 (50%) - default) you get the transition continuous first from A-B then from B-A, linear.
2. Reverse

Reverses the transition. In this effect it chooses whether the cross wipe should open from center or close to center.
3. Scale

If you increase this enough, you get a wafflelike pattern instead of just a cross (zoom out).
Isc XFCross2 Version: 3.0 Build 0916 ID: ix31 Parameters: 3 Inputs: System: PC Only

Cross fade with a cross wipe, and scrolling inputs into the wipe.

1. Ping Pong

This is a switch that when above 0.5 (50%) gives a ping-pong between A-B-A so transition will allways go towards B, and reverse to A. If off (less than 0.5 (50%) - default) you get the transition continuous first from A-B then from B-A, linear.
2. Reverse

Reverses the transition. In this effect it chooses whether the cross wipe should open from center or close to center. And for this particular cross, the direction of the scroll of the inputs in the cross.
3. Scale

If you increase this enough, you get a wafflelike pattern instead of just a cross (zoom out).
Isc XFCubeH1 Version: 3.0 Build 0950 ID: ix12 Parameters: 3 Inputs: System: PC Only

Horizontal cube transition effect, rotate from input 1 to input 2.

1. Ping Pong

This is a switch that when above 0.5 (50%) gives a ping-pong between A-B-A so transition will allways go towards B, and reverse to A. If off (less than 0.5 (50%) - default) you get the transition continuous first from A-B then from B-A, linear.
2. Reverse

Reverses the transition. Sets direction of the rotation.
3. Perspective

Increase or decrease perspective of the cube, the default looks kindof right.
Isc XFCubeV1 Version: 3.0 Build 0945 ID: ix11 Parameters: 3 Inputs: System: PC Only

Vertical cube rotation crossfade between 2 inputs.

1. Ping Pong

This is a switch that when above 0.5 (50%) gives a ping-pong between A-B-A so transition will allways go towards B, and reverse to A. If off (less than 0.5 (50%) - default) you get the transition continuous first from A-B then from B-A, linear.
2. Reverse

Reverses the transition. Sets direction of the rotation.
3. Perspective

Increase or decrease perspective of the cube, the default looks kindof right.
Isc XFImages1 Version: 3.0 Build 0905 ID: ix2n Parameters: 5 Inputs: System: PC Only

Crossfade with zooming all the way into a pixel of input 1, that finally reveals input 2 for each pixel of input 1.

1. Ping Pong

This is a switch that when above 0.5 (50%) gives a ping-pong between A-B-A so transition will allways go towards B, and reverse to A. If off (less than 0.5 (50%) - default) you get the transition continuous first from A-B then from B-A, linear.
2. Reverse

Reverses the transition. In this effect it chooses whether the transition zooms in on one pixel, or zooms out from one pixel, or when crop is used, a larger area than one pixel.
3. Crop

Defines a larger area than one pixel, to zoom.
4. Sin Mix

A value that lets you mix the transition with a sine interpolation, might look smoother in some cases. This defines how large the sine values will be. Defaults to not used.
5. Mix Sin Mix

This parameter lets you crossfade between sine values and linear values for the transition time index. Defaults to using only linear interpolation in time.
Isc XFInvFlash1 Version: 3.0 Build 0903 ID: ix2d Parameters: 0 Inputs: System: PC Only

crossfade to a sudden inverse/negative image/mix and back.

Isc XFLight1 Version: 3.0 Build 0868 ID: ix2c Parameters: 0 Inputs: System: PC Only

Crossfade to brighter lightness while crossfading colors.

Isc XFLinesH1 Version: 3.0 Build 0952 ID: ix2u Parameters: 3 Inputs: System: PC Only

wipe each line in different direction, horizontally.

1. Ping Pong

This is a switch that when above 0.5 (50%) gives a ping-pong between A-B-A so transition will allways go towards B, and reverse to A. If off (less than 0.5 (50%) - default) you get the transition continuous first from A-B then from B-A, linear.
2. Reverse

Reverses the transition.
3. Nr Of Lines

Defines how many lines the frame will be divided in. Defaults to 5.
Isc XFLinesV1 Version: 3.0 Build 0948 ID: ix2w Parameters: 3 Inputs: System: PC Only

wipe each line in different direction, vertically.

1. Ping Pong

This is a switch that when above 0.5 (50%) gives a ping-pong between A-B-A so transition will allways go towards B, and reverse to A. If off (less than 0.5 (50%) - default) you get the transition continuous first from A-B then from B-A, linear.
2. Reverse

Reverses the transition.
3. Nr Of Lines

Defines how many lines the frame will be divided in. Defaults to 5.
Isc XFNoise1 Version: 3.0 Build 0904 ID: ix2y Parameters: 5 Inputs: System: PC Only

Crossfade from input 1 into noise/static, and then out to input 2.

1. Noise Strength

The contrast ratio of the noise that is mixed in towards the middle of the transition.
2. Reverse Red

The colorization of the noise, RED value. The color of the noise defaults to grey (between black and white).
3. Reverse Green

The colorization of the noise, GREEN value. The color of the noise defaults to grey (between black and white).
4. Reverse Blue

The colorization of the noise, BLUE value. The color of the noise defaults to grey (between black and white).
5. Noise Size

Lets you increase the size of the noise so its not only per pixel but up-scaled pixels, blocky. Defaults to noise on a per pixel basis.
Isc XFPieces1 Version: 3.0 Build 0919 ID: ix2q Parameters: 4 Inputs: System: PC Only

Crossfade with attaching pieces.

1. Ping Pong

This is a switch that when above 0.5 (50%) gives a ping-pong between A-B-A so transition will allways go towards B, and reverse to A. If off (less than 0.5 (50%) - default) you get the transition continuous first from A-B then from B-A, linear.
2. Reverse

Reverses the transition. Choose between splitting up in pieces, or setting pieces together.
3. Scale Up 1

Let you scale up the inut that fades away, when it fades away. Default is no scaling.
4. Piece Dist

Defines how far apart the pieces will be when they are apart. Defaults to just until reaching edge of the frame.
Isc XFPixels1 Version: 3.0 Build 0943 ID: ix2l Parameters: 3 Inputs: System: PC Only

Crossfade with input 1 zooming and dissolving into pixels, while input 2 appears.

1. Ping Pong

This is a switch that when above 0.5 (50%) gives a ping-pong between A-B-A so transition will allways go towards B, and reverse to A. If off (less than 0.5 (50%) - default) you get the transition continuous first from A-B then from B-A, linear.
2. Reverse

Reverses the transition.
3. Switch

A randomize switch, if it goes from less than 0.5 (50%) to more, or other way around, the effect is randomized. Animating this up and down fast could produce a noiselike output.
Isc XFPixels2 Version: 3.0 Build 0955 ID: ix2m Parameters: 3 Inputs: System: PC Only

Crossfade into pixels around the edges from center, revealing input 2.

1. Ping Pong

This is a switch that when above 0.5 (50%) gives a ping-pong between A-B-A so transition will allways go towards B, and reverse to A. If off (less than 0.5 (50%) - default) you get the transition continuous first from A-B then from B-A, linear.
2. Reverse

Reverses the transition.
3. Switch

A randomize switch, if it goes from less than 0.5 (50%) to more, or other way around, the effect is randomized. Animating this up and down fast could produce a noiselike output.
Isc XFRefraction1 Version: 3.0 Build 0937 ID: ix2p Parameters: 4 Inputs: System: PC Only

Crossfade with a refraction approach, scaling both horizontally and vertically in pieces/areas.

1. Ping Pong

This is a switch that when above 0.5 (50%) gives a ping-pong between A-B-A so transition will allways go towards B, and reverse to A. If off (less than 0.5 (50%) - default) you get the transition continuous first from A-B then from B-A, linear.
2. Reverse

Reverses the transition. Makes it go opposite direction.
3. Nr Of Pieces

Defines how many pieces it will be in the refraction effect.
4. Perspective

You can add a perspective effect, it can look interesting. Defaults to no perspective.
Isc XFScale1 Version: 3.0 Build 0899 ID: ix2o Parameters: 0 Inputs: System: PC Only

Crossfade by scaling up input 1 and scaling down to input 2, while crossfading colors.

Isc XFScrollH1 Version: 3.0 Build 0946 ID: ix2t Parameters: 3 Inputs: System: PC Only

Lines that scroll different directions horizontally, from input 1 ending up in input 2.

1. Ping Pong

This is a switch that when above 0.5 (50%) gives a ping-pong between A-B-A so transition will allways go towards B, and reverse to A. If off (less than 0.5 (50%) - default) you get the transition continuous first from A-B then from B-A, linear.
2. Reverse

Reverses the transition. Makes it scroll opposite direction.
3. Nr Of Scrollers

Defines how many scroll-lines there are, defaults to 5.
Isc XFScrollV1 Version: 3.0 Build 0939 ID: ix2v Parameters: 3 Inputs: System: PC Only

Lines that scroll different directions vertically, from input 1 ending up in input 2.

1. Ping Pong

This is a switch that when above 0.5 (50%) gives a ping-pong between A-B-A so transition will allways go towards B, and reverse to A. If off (less than 0.5 (50%) - default) you get the transition continuous first from A-B then from B-A, linear.
2. Reverse

Reverses the transition. Makes it scroll opposite direction.
3. Nr Of Scrollers

Defines how many scroll-lines there are, defaults to 5.
Isc XFSheet1 Version: 3.0 Build 0938 ID: ix13 Parameters: 3 Inputs: System: PC Only

Cross fade like 2 sheets of paper with input 1 and input 2.

1. Ping Pong

This is a switch that when above 0.5 (50%) gives a ping-pong between A-B-A so transition will allways go towards B, and reverse to A. If off (less than 0.5 (50%) - default) you get the transition continuous first from A-B then from B-A, linear.
2. Reverse

Reverses the transition. Sets direction of the transition.
3. Flip

Lets you make the transition upside down vertically. Should default to sheets coming from above.
Isc XFStretchH1 Version: 3.0 Build 0938 ID: ix2r Parameters: 3 Inputs: System: PC Only

Crossfade with stretching parts of input 1 and input 2 horizontally.

1. Ping Pong

This is a switch that when above 0.5 (50%) gives a ping-pong between A-B-A so transition will allways go towards B, and reverse to A. If off (less than 0.5 (50%) - default) you get the transition continuous first from A-B then from B-A, linear.
2. Reverse

Reverses the transition. Makes it stretch out or in (sets direction).
3. Nr Of Parts

How many pieces to divide into. Default only one piece.
Isc XFStretchV1 Version: 3.0 Build 0948 ID: ix2s Parameters: 3 Inputs: System: PC Only

Crossfade with stretching parts of input 1 and input 2 vertically.

1. Ping Pong

This is a switch that when above 0.5 (50%) gives a ping-pong between A-B-A so transition will allways go towards B, and reverse to A. If off (less than 0.5 (50%) - default) you get the transition continuous first from A-B then from B-A, linear.
2. Reverse

Reverses the transition. Makes it stretch out or in (sets direction).
3. Nr Of Parts

How many pieces to divide into. Default only one piece.